Five simple steps to a better night’s sleep

simple steps to a better night's sleep

Contrary to some people’s beliefs, sleep is not for the weak and you shouldn’t never by into the ‘sleep when you’re dead’ mentality. Some may proclaim that “sleep is for wimps” but this is simply not the case at all.

Sleep is important for better health and for body repair. Those who don’t sleep enough are more likely to be prone to various illnesses and diseases, and they are more likely to be overweight and suffer with mental health issues.

You should at aim to get between seven and nine hours of sleep a night. If you are struggling to get plenty of sleep then follow these simple steps to a better night’s sleep.

Five simple steps to a better night’s sleep

better night's sleep cat sleeping
cat sleeping
Cute cats!

Cute cats!

1. Put the gadgets away.

Gadgets can be disruptive to the sleep cycle and may stop us from winding down and getting the right amounts of sleep, so put them away.

Digitally detox at least two hours before you go to bed and find another way to relax and unwind, such as reading a physical copy of a good book or taking a warm bath.

2. Don’t consume caffeinated beverages before bed.

Caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea stimulate the brain, preventing you from nodding off. If you need a drink, natural herbal teas or warm water should be sufficient enough. Also, avoid alcohol and fizzy drinks before bedtime.

3. Make sure your bedroom is your sleep sanctuary.

Make your bedroom your bedroom: it needs to be the place and space for sleep only. If you can, avoid using your bedroom as a place to work or study, and don’t watch television in your bedroom.

4. Exercise regularly.

Studies show that those who exercise regularly are more likely to have better sleep. As well as lifting your mood and reducing stress, exercise can make you sleepy at night, as well as alert during the day. However, avoid exercising close to bedtime.

5. Don’t eat after 7pm.

After eating a meal, your body needs time to digest the food you’ve consumed. If you have a habit of eating late then you’re likely to be stimulated, affecting your sleep pattern late at night, especially if you’ve consumed a heavy meal. If you are hungry after this time then opt for a healthy snack, such as a portion of fruit.

And another tip: make sure you go to bed and wake up at the same time every night and every day respectively in order to keep your body clock consistent. Also, don’t forget the obvious - go to bed earlier. No more late nights!

If you find that these tips are not working for you, then see your doctor for expert advice.

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