Why I quit drinking alcohol

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I was 18 when I started drinking alcohol, and I was 26 years old when I made the decision to quit alcohol for good.


Was it because I was addicted? No.

Was it because there’s a history of addiction in my family? No.

Was it because I was drinking far too much, on a regular basis? No.

Despite the fact that I’d only drink in moderation and I’d never had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, I knew it was time to quit.

Why I quit drinking alcohol

On the 1st May 2019 I decided to stop drinking alcohol because I didn’t like the way it made me feel. Alcohol was having a detrimental effect on my physical and mental health, and after spending the evening heavily consuming copious amounts of wine at an event, I felt terrible and I realised that something had to change.

Since I stopped drinking alcohol, I feel a lot better in myself and I don’t miss it at all. I wasn’t a regular drinker anyway, I didn’t keep any alcohol at home and I’d never drink to unwind, ‘relieve stress’ or make myself feel better.

I’d been thinking about giving up alcohol (for life) for a while, but once I’d made the final decision that was it - it was time to take the next step. Since then, I find that I’m a lot more mindful and conscious of myself in social situations, I’m very observant and aware of my surroundings, and I can walk away with a clearer head - and without a nasty hangover!

Plus, there are plenty of non-alcoholic alternatives out there, like Shloer, which I like (white grape and elderflower is my favourite. Shloer, if you’re reading this, I’m always open to collaborations!)

All in all, my life has improved since I ditched alcohol and I feel a lot better in myself. I’m a lot happier, and I’m glad I made this decision for life. I’m very comfortable and confident in my choice, and I still have fun.

Further reading

Jordan (Hello Miss Jordan) is a lifestyle blogger who has spoken about why she doesn’t drink, and Megan (Thumbelina Lillie) is a lifestyle blogger who’s spoken about going sober for 100 days.

Also, The Unexpected Joy Of Being Sober by Catherine Gray is supposed to be a really good book. I’ve bought this and I can’t wait to read it.

Do you drink alcohol? Did you quit drinking alcohol?


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