Get Beautiful Braids With Divatress

beautiful braids with Divatress

This blog post is in collaboration with Divatress and was originally published in 2017.

I absolutely love getting my hair braided - it's one of my favourite hairstyles to do.

After spending years struggling to find a hairdresser who's professional and willing to treat me with the respect I deserve as a customer, I now have a hairdresser that I go to from time to time to get my braids done. She's so nice, she's quick, she is professional and she makes me feel comfortable and at ease.

To buy the hair packs, I tend to look in my local area - there are many shops in South London that sell hair and I tend to buy X-pression. Alternatively, I purchase the hair pack online via Spell Beauty.

If you know me well, then you know that I like to get black hair (colour 1a, 1b or colour 2) and I like purple braids too. Sometimes I'll mix it up a bit, by using black and purple hair. I was reading Pride Magazine the other day and I found out that X-pression is sells two-tone hair packs too, which is pretty cool.

blonde braids

Hair braiding is a great way to protect your hair, plus they're fairly low maintenance, so not too difficult to take care of. There are a variety of styles to choose from, such as straight yaki braids, box braids, braid buns, a braided updo or criss-cross cornrows.

However, if you want something that's easy for you to apply and do yourself, then crochet hair is the way to go, and you can create your style, from straight locks to wavy hair. Crochet hair is easy to install and it blends very well into your real hair. With Divatress, you can find so many types of braids to suit your preference.


Growing up, I resented having afro hair. However, I embrace it now and I love the fact that when it comes to black hair, there are so many (low manipulation) styles we can do, and that's good because it's always nice to switch it up! I like having my afro hair out a lot of the time but it's nice to get my hair done in a way that requires low maintenance, and it's great to discover a place like Divatress, which has so many hair types to pick from. It's like an online one-stop shop that you can access from the comfort of your own home.

Do you like to braid your hair? What's your favourite hairstyle?


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