Best Flooring for the Wet Months

Christmas at home

This guest post is in collaboration with Floorbay.

The colder months are upon us, and they typically bring all the worst kinds of weather you can face until the sun returns. There is already plenty of rain to drown our sorrows but not to affect your floor if you have chosen luxury vinyl flooring.

This is the right time of year to focus on a change for your home, with many benefits to having a replication of the real thing and drastically reducing the risks that the real things face.


Here Comes the Cold

When you think of it getting cold you think of a nice fluffy carpet to keep your feet warm. That may be the case but also, how often are going to be cleaning that carpet between now and Christmas with rain and snow being such a big factor?

Vinyl not only adds a cushioned footing throughout your home but is also the perfect cover for underfloor heating, meaning you are experiencing comfort in even the coldest of temperatures and your room maintains the warmth without rises in floorboards or carpet.

No matter which room you are looking to install vinyl, you can have heated flooring welcome you no matter where you step. For the bathroom, you can even replicate a slate-style floor that is not cold to touch, meaning the comfort does not stop once you exit the bath or shower.


No Pain in Cleaning

Not only is cleaning a chore, but it can also be ridiculously expensive to remove stains by having to purchase specialist cleaning fluids.

Therefore, it is a relief that luxury wood effect vinyl flooring can be cleaned with simple household cleaning items such as a sponge and warm water mixed with vinegar, given once over with a mop and your floor retains its original shine in no time at all.

Straight away you have saved on expense and effort and won’t be wearing out your knees in your clothing over long scrubs.

Cheaper Over All

Luxury vinyl flooring is an incredibly cheap option to implement as well as take care of. In selecting it you are not compromising on quality as many technological breakthroughs have been achieved in vinyl to make them scratch-resistant, moisture-proof and above all else not costly to replace if the damage is done to individual partitions. 

You can even replace the individual tiles or planks without disrupting your floor. If you were thinking of installing real wood or stone-based flooring, you run the risk of easy damage and chippings which can be costly to replace and take up other sections of the floor to begin replacing.

There are plenty of benefits that Amtico luxury vinyl flooring offers over alternative flooring options, and with many wet months ahead that will provide a hard fight for your flooring, making the investment in a strong, reliable and durable floor may be the best money you can spend.

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