Bali Balm: The Natural And Ethical Luxury Lip Balm For Men And Women

Find out about Bali Balm, the ethical and eco-friendly that's set to take on the beauty world by storm.

Bali Balm is a new unisex luxury lip balm brand that is soothing on the lips. The lip balms are all-natural, cruelty-free and vegan. Lip tubes are made from recycled materials and can be sent back to the brand once used.

Best of all, the company has a 'Kiss The Planet' pledge. The founders believe that beauty products shouldn't cost or damage the earth, so they work hard to make sure that the ingredients are natural, hand-made and ethically sourced. It's a brand that is kind to the environment.

Bali Balm has lip balms in four flavours: Bergamot & Grapefruit, Cinnamon & Burnt Orange, Lemon & Black Pepper and Sandalwood & Ginger.

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Bali Balm: Lemon & Black Pepper

The Lemon & Black Pepper lip balm is very refreshing on the lips - definitely natural - and it's so soothing and moisturising.

The balm has distinctive citrus and zesty tastes, and the black pepper compliments the tangy taste.

While each lip balm is by no means cheap (£26 a pop), I would still recommend it to anyone who wants to try a balm that is luxurious and ethical. It's compact so you can fit it into your makeup bag or handbag.

Check out Bali Balm here.

What's your favourite lip balm?


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