Top 10 Beauty Travel Tips for Christmas

Christmas is almost here, and with that, comes one of busiest travel times of the year. That being said, taking flights and being on the go can wreak havoc on your beauty routine.

Here’s what you can do to ensure you stay on top of your beauty regimen and get the most out of your products.

Christmas travel beauty

1. Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise

Before going on a plane, make sure you moisturise. The fact is this: you lose moisture faster flying in the air than on the ground.

2. Wear sunscreen

Planes are technically (a lot) closer to the sun than on the ground. For that reason, it is important to wear a high-quality sunscreen. Make sure you put it on at least 15 minutes or so before you board to make sure it sinks in.

3. Drink water

As I mentioned before, you lose moisture when you fly. Not only do you need to provide hydration on the outside but also on the inside, so stock up on those re-use-able water bottles, fill up and get drinking.

4. Get some beauty sleep

Yes, travelling has the potential to mess up sleeping schedules. But this doesn’t have to happen.

Sleep on the plane. Or, if you can’t, make sure you don’t sleep immediately when you land. This will help you stave off jet lag and get you used to the different time zone.

5. Be comfortable

You don’t have to be dolled up to the nines to travel, but you can if you want to. This also goes for your beauty routine. It isn’t mandatory to slather on your foundation or wear lipstick (unless, again, you want to). Use this time as a break from your makeup routine.

6. Don’t share makeup

While you may be in the giving spirit, you should probably refrain from letting others borrow or share your makeup. The reason being is that sharing makeup spreads germs and increases the chance of getting an infection. Why not take a trip to the local beauty store instead? For example, if you happen to be in New York City on holiday, then take a trip to Sephora!

7. Wear a mask on the plane

While some people may apply an additional layer of moisturiser mid-flight, why not give yourself a spa session on the plane? There are several individual masks you can buy that will keep your skin hydrated and you less stressed during this busy time.

8. Give Yourself a manicure and/or a pedicure

Speaking of holiday stress, give yourself a manicure and/or pedicure during the flight or before you depart. Travelling can wear you down, so treat your nails.

9. Invest in a travel makeup collection

Pack travel-friendly makeup to make sure you don’t have to throw away lotions, conditioners, shampoos, or any other liquids, and bring less than you think you need/want. Also, if you're flying from an airport in the UK, don't forget the 10ml rule.

10. Relax and enjoy

While holidays can be stressful, take a breath and enjoy the holiday cheer! Relax and have fun!

What are your beauty travel tips? How do you stay on top of your beauty team when on holiday?


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