How To 'Marie Kondo' Your Beauty Collection

Do you have too many beauty items?

Do you have makeup products that you haven’t used or opened?

Do you have items in your collection that you know you’ll never use?

Is your current beauty collection an absolute mess right now? Does it overwhelm you?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then it’s probably time to ‘Marie Kondo’ your beauty collection.

Now, I must add a disclaimer here: I’ve never read Marie Kondo’s book, but I’ve heard so much about it and I have a rough idea about the message. I’m not an expert, but as someone who loves decluttering, I’ll share my own personal tips.

cosmetics Marie Kondo

“Does it bring you joy?”

First of all, set aside some time to go through your beauty collection. Separate the products from the ones you’ve used to the ones you’ve never used and/or opened.

Then, take a look at the products that you’ve never used or opened and go through each item, one by one. Ask yourself if you see yourself using that product and if it could make you happy. Does it bring you joy? Could it bring you joy? Does it bring you happy memories? If it doesn’t, put it aside.

The products that you’ve never used and will never use can be passed on so don’t throw away. Instead of disposing of unopened beauty products, give them away. The odd lipstick or mascara that you’ve never tried out may never bring you joy, but it could bring joy to someone else. You can give the products to family and friends. Or, you can donate to your local women’s shelter. You might want to consider donating to a beauty bank.

Repeat the process once in a while to keep your beauty collection in check.

How do you declutter your beauty collection?


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