Goals for 2021

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This post is in collaboration with Mortgage Calculators.

It’s 2021! And guess what? I’ve got a lot of goals and plans for this year - and beyond.

One of the lessons I learned in 2020 is that life is too short, so why wait? I want to invest in myself and work hard to become the best version of who I am. I want to cultivate a life that is true to my values: peace, joy, authenticity and abundance. I want to achieve the best, so here are my goals for 2021 and beyond.

Goals for 2021

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Increase my fitness levels by going to the gym regularly

I need to get fit and healthy, so I’ve decided that in order to achieve this, I need to go back to the gym and attend on a regular and consistent basis. I’ve got a gym membership and I plan on attending fitness classes a few times a week (once the current UK lockdown eases off.) I am also considering getting a personal trainer to get myself on track, keep myself focused and hold myself accountable.

Switch to a whole foods, plant-based diet

You can’t out-train a bad diet and I believe that diet and exercise should go hand in hand. Towards the end of December 2020 I started easing myself into a whole foods, plant-based diet. I want to feed myself with healthy and nutritional foods and I want to nourish my body properly. I really despise diet culture but one of the best things about consuming a whole foods, plant-based diet is that it’s not a silly fad: it’s healthy, natural, sustainable, realistic and maintainable.

Restart driving lessons

I quit driving lessons at the beginning of last year because I wasn’t happy with my driving instructor, I didn’t have any more money for lessons and I needed a time-out. A couple of months later, I started researching the best driving school and instructors in the local area but then Coronavirus hit the UK and the first UK lockdown happened. I’m really keen on buying myself a car (it’s a dream of mine) by the end of this year so I need to get back into the routine of learning how to drive.

Start learning how to swim

As terrible as it sounds, I can’t swim - even though I had swimming lessons in primary school and some of my immediate family members can swim. I need to learn because it’s such an important life skill that all human beings should have. Once I am able to do so, I will enquire about one-on-one swimming lessons in my local area and I can’t wait.

Start practising the keyboard again

I was supposed to practise playing the keyboard last year but I neglected that task. This year I want to make more of an effort to practise from time to time, but ideally, I’d like to hire a music tutor and have music lessons once a week.

Improve my skincare routine

I have oily skin and I’m very prone to breakouts, so I really want to step up my skincare routine. I have all the usual products required (cleanser, toner, eye cream, serum, moisturiser and SPF) but I really want to work on clearing up my skin, and I shall do this by implementing effective and consistent twice-daily skincare routines and diet and lifestyle changes (because good skincare also comes from within - it’s not just about the products you put on your face.)

Practise self-compassion

The thing with me is that I’m very good at showing compassion and empathy for others, but I’m not very good at giving compassion to myself and I can be quite hard on myself. This year (and beyond) I want to stop being hard on myself and start practising self-compassion. I want to give myself the same grace and compassion that I give to others to myself - because I deserve it.

Blog regularly

I need to step up my blogging game. No matter what other time-consuming priorities I have in my life (e.g. work, adult responsibilities, additional commitments and hobbies, etc) I will always love running my blog and I plan on staying committed to it. I started blogging in November 2013 when I was a full-time student at university and even though I’ve had different blogs since then and my life has changed significantly, I still continue to blog. I want to blog regularly and consistently, and I want to turn my blog into a side income stream, so if you know of any current or upcoming sponsored post opportunities then please feel free to get in touch with me.

Read more books

I’ve always been a bookworm. I read a lot of books last year and I hope to read some more. I like to read self-help, real life and non-fiction literature, and I have a lot of books that I can’t wait to get my teeth into.

Read more blog posts

I know that lots of people are flocking to Instagram these days, but I still love reading blogs and I hope to read more beauty, fashion, lifestyle and wellness blog posts this year.

Cut down on screen time

I’m addicted to the screen and it’s so bad, but it’s time to kick the habit. It’s a good thing that I have other things that I like to do, such as listening to music and podcasts and reading books to keep my mind occupied.

Achieve better sleep

I need to improve my sleep habits and patterns. I’ve almost got my evening routine down to a point but I need to ditch technology before going to bed, go to bed earlier and aim to get 8-10 hours of beautiful, peaceful, uninterrupted sleep every single night. It’s so nice to focus on bettering my own sleep.


I journaled throughout 2019 and it was so helpful to me because as well as going to therapy, it was so good to have a ‘space’ where I could write down my thoughts and feelings and express my emotions without judgement, criticism and scrutiny. I recently started journaling regularly again and it’s made such a difference. It’s a simple but great way to boost your mental health.

Continue therapy

I started private, online therapy at the tail end of 2019 and continued throughout 2020. Therapy has helped me to gain clarity on myself and the traumas I’ve experienced in my life, and it’s helped me to recognise and let go of unhelpful and harmful patterns, toxic and limiting beliefs and coping mechanisms that were no longer serving me. I’ve grown and improved during my self-love, self-care and self-improvement journey, and I have my therapist to thank for that.

Attempt to learn Spanish

I studied Spanish at school and I’ve always wanted to get back to learning it. I’ve got a couple of language apps on my smartphone.

I’d love to attempt to teach myself Spanish and see how much I could learn, as well as immersing myself in Spanish content and literature.

Save more and buy less

I’m good at saving for a rainy day, but I do have a habit of spending more than I should. I’m not the kind of person to live beyond my means, but I really need to save more and buy less, and I realise that I don’t really need new things (e.g. clothes, makeup and other material items) except for the basics/essentials.

Work hard at my career and excel

I’m at the highest point of my career so far, and the only way is up, so I’m going to work hard and do my best. I want to progress to excellence, exceed expectations in my career and make more money. I have some lofty career and money goals and I’m determined to achieve those over the next decade.

Plan my next move

Those of you who know me personally will know that I’ve been living in Cambridge for the last couple of years, but I’ve decided that I’d like to move out of Cambridge within the next 12 to 18 months. Cambridge is a nice city but it’s not my forever hometown, and I have a number of reasons why I want to move out that I’d rather not discuss publicly. I’ve got itchy feet and I’ve been craving a fresh start for a while, so I’m currently researching where I’d want to live in the future. I have a few places in mind, and I know I want to live somewhere that’s peaceful, leafy, suburban, not far from London and reasonably diverse.

Start saving to buy a home

One of my dreams is to buy a home. I’ve always wanted to own my own home and quite frankly, I’m fed up with renting. I’m not the type of person to scream about how ‘renting is a waste of money.’ After all, I’ve spent most of my twenties renting, I’ve written about the benefits of renting and I am very well aware that there are people who’ll never be able to get on the property ladder. But I am sick and tired of renting and I just want to buy a place of my own, so I’ve decided that from 2021, I’ll start saving towards buying a home in the future.

I’ve been doing some research on things like getting a Lifetime ISA (which is handy if you want to save towards a down-payment on a mortgage or retirement) and advice on mortgages (such as An Introduction to Mortgages.) I’ve also had a look at Mortgage Calculators, which is very handy because you can find out full mortgage costs including fees (if you’re looking to buy a property in the USA) and there are helpful guides on mortgages on the website.

What are your goals for 2021? Let me know in the comments section below!


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