Bedroom revamp tips for a good night's sleep

bedroom revamp

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The bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the home, and it's an essential part of getting a good night's sleep. Revamping and adding your own personal touch is great for a cosy, comfortable and peaceful bedroom. Here are some top tips for revamping your bedroom for a good night's sleep.

Bedroom revamp tips for a good night's sleep

bedroom revamp tips for a good night's sleep

Get rid of technology

The bedroom is a room that is designated for sleep and not much else. Technology and various gadgets (televisions, mobile phones, tablets, laptops, computers, games consoles, etc) are extremely distracting and can have a detrimental effect on sleep, so get them out of the bedroom.

First of all, move the TV and desktop computer out of the bedroom. Secondly, switch off all electronic devices two hours before you go to bed. If you're used to using your laptop/mobile phone/tablet in bed before you fall asleep then substitute it for something else (i.e. reading a physical copy of a book or listening to the music on the radio.)

Add a lamp

Lighting is important but some types of lighting create a certain sense of ambience within the room, which will help your mind to relax. You can add a lamp or a set of fairy lights to create the desired effect.

Set up a study room/workspace area/office space outside of the bedroom

As I mentioned before, the bedroom should be a place for sleeping and not much else. If possible, then try to create and set up a study area or work space outside of the bedroom.

Pick a colour scheme

Pick a colour scheme that is calming and soothing. The best theme to go for is a minimalist theme with pops of colour.

Invest a high quality mattress

One of the reasons why people struggle to get a good night's sleep is because they have a mattress that is too old and/or is of poor-quality. A fresh new mattress that adjusts to the shape of your body is much better.

Get some new duvet covers

Sometimes it's good to change things up and it's quite refreshing. Adding new duvet covers along with other bedding can create a really cosy bedroom and can make your room look really nice. I normally buy my high quality duvet covers from Next and Marks and Spencer.

Wash your sheets

For hygiene purposes it's important to wash your bedsheets regularly. It's also a nice way to freshen them up and make them smell nice. Clean sheets equals a better mind for sleep. I love washing my sheets! It's a lot of work but it's worth it - I love the smell of fresh sheets and fabric conditioner.

Change the curtains

Not only are curtains important for privacy, they are also important for keeping light out of a room as this can distract you from your sleep. Plus, they are a decorative feature for your bedroom. Curtains can become quite dated and dirty after some time so make sure you wash, clean and dust them down regularly, and after a significant period of time make sure you buy some new ones to freshen up the place. Alternatively, you can invest in blinds instead (I prefer blinds over curtains.)

Add some fragrances

A bedroom should smell nice at all times, including the nighttime. Add scented candles and reed diffusers to add a touch of fragrance and pleasant aromas. Many brands and retailers sell scented candles. I like to buy  sweet-smelling and floral-scented reed diffusers.

(When using scented candles proceed with caution. Blow them out before you fall asleep. Also, depending on your housing situation, you may not be allowed candles in your place of residence.)

Add decorative pieces

Add some personality to your bedroom: photographs, wall art, flowers, quirky objects, cushions, inspirational posters, etc.

Spring clean and declutter

A clean room equals a clean mind. On a regular basis, spring clean and get rid of the items you don't need. Your bedroom is so much better when it's tidy and free from clutter, and that applied to your state of mind too.

What are your bedroom revamp tips for a good night's sleep?


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